For the past couple of weeks we have been cleaning and redoing the kids rooms. It has been a fun process coupled with lots of hard work and sweat. Cleaning, prepping, and then painting is not necessarily done how you'd imagine it. There are no vacuums, mops, or even decent brooms to clean the floors. On top of that minor challenge you are constantly dodging man-eating spiders...well not man-eating...but still scary. Plus, because it is rainy season, the electricity likes to go out all of a sudden and there goes your nice cool fan breeze and lighting to see what you are doing. But putting the "negatives" behind it is a lot of fun work because you are doing it with people you love and enjoy being around.
I absolutely love painting! I don't know what it is but it is a therapeutic thing for me and I could do it all day. Unfortunately the paint here stinks! It is SO strong and the inner rooms with only one window make for a long painting process due to the constant "fresh air" breaks. You also get a lovely souvenir of paint on yourself. Luckily the color we chose is blue and it's my favorite color so I don't mind this.
This is a fun project before all the kids come back to the orphanage for the school year and it's making the orphanage look even better than it does now. It is so fun to bless these kids with a fresh new room and bless the orphanage with a mini makeover!
Achille and myself painting away! |